I figured it out. Simply updated the line to read:
'item_actions' => array('save', 'view', 'others' => array('orders/refund/' . uri_segment(4) => 'Refund This Order')),
This is assuming my unique Order url in Fuel looks like this:
I'm trying to do this, except in my case, I want to specify an advanced module's assets folder instead of the parent /assets directory. I tried something like this in my model's form_fields override (0.9.3), but this still loads the parent assets d…
Can you guys recommend a way to pull down the 1.0 branch using Git? I have a fuelcms repository that I tried creating a 1.0 branch on and then doing a fetch/merge, but all kinds of conflicts appear and I just want to pull down the current version o…
Here's what I ended up doing. For each page I want to use the CI caching, I set up a controller called "home.php" where each function in that controller corresponds with a route I have defined in routes.php. Each controller has this logic (inside …
One additional question: Does setting the cache to "yes" in the Page edit view of the CMS do the same thing as if you set the use_page_cache parameter in MY_fuel.php?
Also, in our benchmarking tests using the CI profiler, it appears that $this->output->cache(n) CI caching seem to be an order of magnitude faster than fuel caching. Fuel caching saves about 25% of page load time whereas CI caching saves about…
I have a couple of URLs setup as controllers, one for login and one for signup that are web forms that don't need to be cached. If I set that use_page_cache parameter, will it cache the views that these controllers load as well? Or does the tradit…
Yeah, doesn't work, and to clarify, I'm trying to reference this inside the markItUp editor, not in the static view file. Here are two ways I've tried this without success:
Example 1:
Other than the line number stated above, no, I didn't investigate any further into it from there. I'm assuming its just an issue with the mysql query result being too large for the php memory_limit setting.
Fixed it by increasing the PHP memory limit. This link is super-helpful for doing just such a task:
Just discovered also that adding in this editable_asset_filetypes declaration into the MY_fuel.php file is now breaking the ability for me to upload PDF files. Would really appreciate you guys looking at debugging this for me.
I hope to have a c…
Strange, it still doesn't work for me. For the record, I modified fuel/modules/fuel/controllers/module.php to look like this starting at line 1438: (Original line commented out)
//$config['allowed_types'] = ($this->assets_model->get_dir_fi…
Thanks so much for the tip! That's all I needed to know. I've rewritten the above code to look like this in my page-banner.php view file:
<?php $page = uri_string(); $fuel_block = fuel_block('banners/' . $page); ?>
Thanks for the tip. I think for the time being I'll go with a Superfish integration. I've used it in the past, and it will do the job while more can be done to accommodate these additional overrides to make the markup correct for something like Fo…
Just came across this post, and wonder why in the second excerpt above, it does seem that the query is running twice in my case as well? http://www.getfuelcms.com/forums/discussion/812/list-items-on-a-module-with-different-options-on-different-ways
Here is what gets displayed at the very top of Fuel:
SELECT refunds.id, refunds.id AS ID, date_added as Date, CONCAT("$", FORMAT(refund_amount, 2)) as Amount, transaction_id, credit_card_last_4, customer_name, customer_email, customer_address, ref…
Hi Lance, I was curious if you could share some more information about the process you took to customize the Fuel interface that you have shown in those 2 screen grabs you referenced.
I would love to feel safe doing this for my projects as well, b…
I got the 404 error to go away by switching the load->model function to
// Load Invoices Model $CI->load->module_model(CORPORATE_PARTNERS_FOLDER, 'invoices_model' );
An additional question at this point then is:
Does the proper functioni…
I figured it out, I just missed fixing one of the conflicts in MY_fuel.php. I fixed one, but missed another. It was the fuel_mode and the admin_enabled settings that had conflicts.
Thanks for the guidance!