Filter Search not working on one field in a Simple Module
Hello, I have a simple module to store helmet orders, and I have filters defined for each field in the model's database table. All of the fields are searchable in the Fuel admin, except for one called "transaction_id". It is a varchar field that just stores a typical order transaction number.
I even tried putting the number in quotes to see if the search worked, but it didn't. Every other field works fine. Do you know why?
SELECT, AS ID, date_added as Date, CONCAT("$", FORMAT(refund_amount, 2)) as Amount, transaction_id, credit_card_last_4, customer_name, customer_email, customer_address, refund_transaction_id, refund_type FROM (refunds) ORDER BY date desc
And this is what gets displayed in the white area right above all the data columns:
SELECT, AS ID, date_added as Date, CONCAT("$", FORMAT(refund_amount, 2)) as Amount, transaction_id, credit_card_last_4, customer_name, customer_email, customer_address, refund_transaction_id, refund_type FROM (refunds) ORDER BY date desc SELECT, AS ID, date_added as Date, CONCAT("$", FORMAT(refund_amount, 2)) as Amount, transaction_id, credit_card_last_4, customer_name, customer_email, customer_address, refund_transaction_id, refund_type FROM (refunds) ORDER BY Date desc LIMIT 25
Any insights as to why transaction_id doesn't show up in the filter search results? Its quite an important field to search on, being a unique identifier if each row.
The query runs twice is expected and is used the second time to calculate the total number of rows for pagination (so no limit in the query).