so no way we using any hook? how about make a class extend from page_variables then do after_update? but the problem is that, how to link the page_model to this custom page_variables class?
can i extend that controller and modify the routing functions there in application/controller folder, which will eventually makes fuel cms routing the pages according to my own defination?
hi i tied your controller and made few fixes, no changes on your view
class Location extends CI_Controller{
function Location(){
function index(){
I think the problem is because you put it in __construct function. And i also believe for backend, even u put the form builders in the model layer, it is enclosed in form_fields function
function form_fields($values = array(), $related = array…
hi, i just noticed that in baseFuelController.js, there is a tablecallback function and inside there
// set up row clicks
$("#data_table td[class^='col']").each(function(){
$(".publish_action", this).click(function(e){
if ($(this).paren…
no really sure what is your question. what do you mean of automatically send the type to database. And where do you want to get all values of $fields.
this form is served for front end right?
if it is, it is not recommended to do form building i…
yes, i confirm the js is loaded, as "executed" is displayed in the console. However, $('.action_sync').click(function(e){
inside items funciton is not working. "action_sync" class is created after i …
i dont think i did this correct, i want to build a simple module called "sync" thus on listing table, i need to add a link "Sync" instead of edit, delete
so at first on my_fuel_modules.php, i did
$config['modules']['sk_syncs'] = array(
hmmm, so you mean:
1) i upload the asset by clicking upload button beside asset fields
2) the asset fields is populated
i then use on_before_save to save the asset fields to an asset table?
However, there is also an upload button when click the i…
1. check if the method post path is correct and if values posted by doing print_r($_POST); exit; to see if get any value
2. would suggest you take tutorial here
would suggest instead of using raw mysql_query use and
i set
// languages for pages. The key is saved to the page variables
$config['languages'] = array(
'en' => 'English',
// append the current language value to the site URL automatically
$config['add_language_to_site_url'] = TRUE;
as for the front end adding "location" field.
Since you know how to work controller + views (posts above).
It is very simple to build the forms in views. You can use normal html tags to build forms in views.
Or you can use form builders to build …
that is mostly because Google map api has a request limit, and personally i feel it is very bad idea to get lat and long at run time. It simply means inefficient by everytime requesting Google map API. It is better to modify the database to add in l…
yes, above function is working after i wrap a sortit function around usort($whatsnew,"cmp") which will then able to automatically handle the passed-in json value from database. This problem is solved, thanks.
However one question would be if there…
i think did explain the query string method...
However i doubt your en lang works, as default it is "english"
Actually i do not want to create another advanced module. I am using fuel, just want to change the module name on config page, no sure if there are any such properties, e.g. the label attribute for fields
success to make it happen.
function cmp($a,$b)
if($a['block']['weight']==$b['block']['weight']) return 0;
return $a['block']['weight']>$b['block']['weight']?-1:1;
Call to undefined function CI() in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/cms/fuel/application/config/routes.php on line 41, i believe CI instance is not even loaded?