Reassign page variables values

edited May 2015 in Modules
basicaly i have a custom template field"whatsnew" with two field values as "link" and "weight". So they are stored as page_variables. Now i want to rearrange weight base on another values "wn_articles" array order. everything is fine. The only problem is that after save, i am not able to save the updated value to the field. So i think that may because i did not assign the modified value to the $post array, so the page variables are not saved. I reassign the modified values to $this->normalzed_save_data, but not working, what can i do in this case.

// class extended from page_model
function on_after_update($v)



foreach($values['wn_articles'] as $k=>$v){

foreach($values['whatsnew'] as $a){
return $v;


  • edited May 2015
    on_Before_save is also failed
  • edited 2:37AM
    please help
  • edited 2:37AM
    Strange... I swore I responded to this earlier. $this->normalzed_save_data is only a holder of the data that is posted and changing it won't change saved values. I would recommend creating a layout class that implements the method "process_saved_values". This method gets passed the values that will be processed for saving before it is handed off to the model to be saved. More on creating a layout as from a custom class can be found here:
  • edited 2:37AM
    so no way we using any hook? how about make a class extend from page_variables then do after_update? but the problem is that, how to link the page_model to this custom page_variables class?
  • edited 2:37AM
    The "process_saved_values" or the "post_process_saved_values" are essentially a "hooks" but at the layout level. You can load in the models into the hook like so on your Layout class:
    public function post_process_saved_values($values){ $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->module_model(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel_pages_model'); $CI->load->module_model(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel_pagevariables_model'); //... your code here }
    Does that make sense?
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