[Wed Sep 18 07:24:38.915329 2019] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 8976:tid 1324] mod_rewrite.c(482): [client] - - [bgterhome-new/sid#2133b4cff48][rid#2133df51530/initial/redir#1] [p
[Wed Sep 18 07:24:38.899729 2019] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 8976:tid 1324] mod_rewrite.c(482): [client] - - [bgterhome-new/sid#2133b4cff48][rid#2133df38e10/initial] [perdir C:
I quite like the docs but I do think many of the function definitions could do with more explanations and more detailed examples. Option #2 could help with that...
/> Message: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array</p> <p>Filename: libraries/Fuel.php</p> <p>Line Number: 126<br />
Error Code: 1055. Expression #26 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'display_name' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is in
#3 [internal call] - Module->edit('1') #2 /home/jeff/lampstack-5.6.19-0/apps/PHP/nobal-cms/fuel/codeigniter/core/CodeIgniter.php:360 - call_user_func_array(Array[2], Array[1]) #1 /home/jeff/la
3. Still when I try this with point #2 it does not accept POST
#2) I get an error on the some pages of the following:
Analytics->auth() #2 /home/public_html/fuel/modules/google_analytics/libraries/Fuel_google_analytics.php(64): Analytics->__construct(Array) #3 /home/public_html/fuel/modules/google_anal
$nav['level2/item4'] = array('label' => 'Level #2 Item #4', 'attributes' => 'class="fancybox-gallery" rel="gallery_presse_menue"', 'parent_id' =&g
href="...">Level #2 Item #1</a></li> <!-- following items are read from the database table of a simple module --> <li>
#2 Dev (WAMP, PHP 5.5.12) error:
I wanted to see if #2 was fixed in the developer branch but #1 prevents me.
For #2, you may need to modify your model's list_items method to do something like the following:
#2 On the Images table you can add SortOrder.. when you make your SQL call you can order the images. You will responsible for maintaining the order.
href="#">Parent #2</a></li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropd
Thanks. 1 & 3 work. I'm having trouble with #2 though:
#2.. I'm sooooooo confused about why you would do this:
#2) I hadn't realized this. But makes sense and helps me work out a problem I was having too.