Issue #2: Working in 0.93.
Well #2 does work. I am planning to develop 2 modules. One for a image gallery with categories and one for a simple cart.
// explicitly pulls from module #1 $this->load->module_view('my_module', 'my_view, $vars); // explicitly pulls from module #2 $this->load->view( 'my_module/my_view, $vars)
For question #2, does your members model have a content field and is there anything in it (I didn't see what fields the members model had)?
I am not sure which of the above 2 configurations would be better from a simplicity and flexibility standpoint, but I am leaning towards #2 because I want the client to be able to manage their own Boo
With #2 I mean having a site with separate topics having distinct uri's.
MY_Model::on_after_post() is defined around #2154.
Look's like the line number ~#229 in third_party/fuel/Loader stops it:
function]: Plants->updatephoto() #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\fuel\codeigniter\core\CodeIgniter.php(318): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(236): require_once('C:\xampp\htd
Ok, I answered question #2 myself. My goal essentially right now is to create a signup page that displays a form with information for the user to fill out to create an account, and that information g