How is it supported? I dont see it supported on the version am using. I am using 0.93, but ha s gone through several changes in core.
I am willing to fix it, but need guidance as to how it is supported in fuelcms.
Well - there is only save and i needed a cancel - if user visits create by accident, need a way to cancel. So I just added a cancel. Could not think of any other way.
Put the following within "create" section and it worked.
<?php if ($this->fuel_auth->module_has_action('others')) : ?>
<?php foreach($this->item_actions['others'] as $other_action => $label) :
$ico_key = str_replace('/'…
i over wrote form_fields - where i modify the edit form. Add the code as below
$CI =& get_instance();
$user = $CI->fuel_auth->user_data();
if(($user['super_admin']== 'no')) {
$this->session->set_flashdata('error', 'You do no…
Well - this solves only partially.
How about edit, delete?
I login as normal user and actually do an edit on another user by guessing the id another user. It goes to edit page another user.
Ex: fuel/mysimplemodel/edit/25
35 is my userid ( I create…
One thing am impressed with pyrocms is its rock solid platform and the UI. The default template in pyrocms is just what i need.
However having build the product on fuelcms since 8 months or so -- hard to just give up and start on pyrocms. I like the…
I have completely disabled frontend. I am using the backend controlpanel.
$config['assets_output'] = FALSE;
fuel_assets_output is also false.
clearing cache in CMS - how do i do it?
I tried to set fuel_assets_output to true. The site broke with some weird js errors for one case.
So - reverted back to fuel_assets_output = false. Site is still broken. But site looks for assets in cache folder. I even deleted the cache folder from…
Write an advanced module and custom view files following "blocks" and layout concept. I have done this on our product.
We have used Google charts API to accomplish this quite effectively.
Yes - I looked at this over now. Thank you.
One question : Is there a way we could write pass the fuel_users model back to a controller extended by REST_Controller (CI_Controller)?
That way I do not need to duplicate the code - rather just use wh…
We could potentially modify the schema and migrate to innodb and still use the framework. Nothing is stopping from doing it after it is being deployed right?
Do you see/anticipate issues?
Yes - I have looked into this very early on.
I was/am referring to links on the dashboard. Directly creating a link on the dashboard panel.
Ex: If we develop a custom module (simple or Advanced module - without making entries in the files - I shou…
Ok --- We got the extjs working and functional.
The only caveat -- the js had to be included in fuel module and add the script to MY_fuel.php.
The css files and theme/images can still be part of the advanced module.
Note: CSS file should be .css
Never mind --
I have worked through this. I added it under fuel/assets/js
I tried adding under thirdparty.
That was the issue. Kind of hack -- but okay for now,
No luck what so ever - keep getting EXT not defined.
Has any one done this before?
It would be really great if some one could share their experience as to how this can be accomplished. This is seriously holding us back.
Help Help Help!!!!!
You are referring to advanced module where in you provide model_location.
However, I am trying to just have a controller in the controller folder. I have a model in models folder (Simple Modules)
Then in control, I am trying to access model like
But when I try to call the model in the controller - I get model and method undefined.
Seems like the controller is not getting the model.
Do I need to load it somewhere?
This is awesome -- entry missing in module routes file. added
$route[FUEL_ROUTE.'XXX_store/list_damn_things'] = 'XXX_store/list_damn_things';
Hope this helps some one .:)
Is there a My_lang file we could use - dont see it getting loaded in fuel_lang.php.
I did try adding an entry such as fuel
did not work..