I could find my answer here:
In the 1.0 beta, If you inherit from the Fuel_base_controller, there is a protected "_validate_user" method you can use which will validate…
Ok I could load the module view from its controller using the following method: $this->fuel->pages->render('registeration', $vars, array('view_module' => 'registeration'));
Here is the source code of my view file: <?php fuel_set_var…
Unfortunately I cannot seem to get it working. It might be too much demanding, but it's very urgent for me to get this to work. Could you please do me a favor and modify the source code of this simple module: http://www.sitepoint.com/getting-started…
I am using version 1.0.6 which should be the latest. Your approach does not raise any error, but I just get an empty page: $vars = array();
echo FUEL_VERSION; // this is written to the output
$this->fuel->pages->render('registeration', $var…
Thank you, it works. Is it possible to change the HTML and built-in messages of dashboard too? e.g. I want to change this message: "You are about to delete the item"
This is what I meant in more details: Suppose that I click on an item in the list view to edit it. And the visibility of this item in database is already set to 1, so I expect in the edit view the visibility chechbox be checked, to indicate its curr…
Thank you. This will always set the checkbox value to 1 though. What about when editing a guestbook comment whose visible field is set to 0? It will be checked when shown. How can I set the "value" of checkbox according to the value saved in the dat…
Thank you very much for your help. It's clear now. Just two more question:
1- Is the "css()" function documented anywhere in the user guide? If yes, where? and if no, why?
2- I understand the meaning of css($css). But what's the meaning of "css('b…
Could you please elaborate on the meaning of css('blog').css($css);
I can't seem to find the relevant document in the user guide section.
And also please tell me what is 'mycss' in your code. Is it the name of a css file? What about its path?