That's the only one that is currently supported however, I haven't look into others really. You could create a custom field type or overwrite the javascript used for the wysiwyg field type. To do that, add the following to your fuel/application/config/custom_fields.php file:
// wysiwyg field
$fields['wysiwyg'] = array(
'class' => array(FUEL_FOLDER => 'Fuel_custom_fields'),
'function' => 'wysiwyg',
'filepath' => '',
'js' => array('my_wysiwyg.js') // located in the main assets/js/ folder
'js_function' => 'fuel.fields.my_wysiwyg', // add this function to the my_wysiwyg.js file
'represents' => array('text', 'textarea', 'longtext', 'mediumtext'),
); Note that there is a 'my_wysiwyg.js' and a 'fuel.fields.my_wysiwyg' which you will need to create. You can look at the original files found here for reference to see how it is currently done: fuel/modules/fuel/config/custom_fields.php fuel/modules/fuel/assets/js/fuel/custom_fields.js
You could also overwrite the class and function if you need to as well. The original is found here: fuel/modules/fuel/libraries/Fuel_custom_fields.php
$config['text_editor'] = 'ckeditor';
// wysiwyg field $fields['wysiwyg'] = array( 'class' => array(FUEL_FOLDER => 'Fuel_custom_fields'), 'function' => 'wysiwyg', 'filepath' => '', 'js' => array('my_wysiwyg.js') // located in the main assets/js/ folder ), 'js_function' => 'fuel.fields.my_wysiwyg', // add this function to the my_wysiwyg.js file 'represents' => array('text', 'textarea', 'longtext', 'mediumtext'), );
Note that there is a 'my_wysiwyg.js' and a 'fuel.fields.my_wysiwyg' which you will need to create. You can look at the original files found here for reference to see how it is currently done:
You could also overwrite the class and function if you need to as well. The original is found here: