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  • Yeah, as per your earlier suggestion - i did similar change to the on_before_save. Thanks for your help. I thought it might be a glitch in the flow & you would like to see to it for future development of FUEL CMS
  • No, I do not want multiple history_img fields. I wanted a history_img field which saves an array of images in json format. I will try the second option. However, the behavior of the "file" type field was looking weird if used in associative form in…
  • table is id int(11) NO PRI student_id int(11) NO history_count int(11) NO 0 culture_count int(11) NO 0 family_count int(11) NO 0 history_img text YES culture_img text YES family_img text YES The associated modeli.e. students_images_mo…
  • No it is not. It is coming in string format in $posted variable. And that is looking odd to me. Because in both the model the data is coming in the string format. However, when i use the students_images_model :- the data in $posted is already serial…
  • The module 'create' function is working fine in other modules with no dependency like the one said above. However, For those modules which includes form fields from other modules...(1-to-1 dependency) whenever i am trying to create a new entry -- it…
  • @admin How will it work if its a One-to-One relationship between two tables?? What i did in http://forum.getfuelcms.com/discussion/2304/importing-module-with-same-db-col-name#Comment_8565 works if i am updating the primary table. It updates the val…
  • I cant tell you how thankful i am - that false parameter saved me. Yesterday, i spent 2hours analysing all the changes i have to do if i have to remove fuel class. Thanks a Ton.
  • OR is it possible to force login the viewer with a limited permission( only to stu advanced controller) whenever they try to access the "{domain}/stu" & let the viewer enter the credentials if it accesses the "{domain}/admin"??? I just want to …
  • Yes i did the first thing already , changed $config['fuel_path'] = 'fuel/' to $config['fuel_path'] = 'admin/'. About the second part, i have extended to the Fuel_base_controller. And now i realize there would be a lot of changes which would be requ…
  • I passed the sub-folder parameter from the asset field to the javascript function, which is called on the SELECT click event. From there i simply set the startupPath to the subfolder value.
  • OK found it myself. I was looking at the wrong documentation.
  • @almostcompletely can you help me with how to open a specific directory when the ck asset manager opens. I have tinkered with the ckfassets.js - ckf_browseserver(path) to do something. I even tried changing the core ckfinder_php5.php file. Still no…
  • Thanks for the help. I would also add to the discussion about how to save the data for other table using on_after_save() function public function on_after_save($values) { parent::on_after_save($values); $posted = $this->normalized_save_…