Assets - webserver/php timeouts
I've having trouble both managing my asset images in Admin and select assets for inclusion in the RTE.
I've got about 4000 images PDFs.
If I click on Assets in Admin, I eventually get a "The connection has timed out" browser error. If I click the Image toolbar icon on the rich text editor, I either get the same error or an Error 500 (website logs show a timeout for these).
I get the same problem on the live 1and1 hosted site and on my local (very powerful) testbed.
I realise that extending the php.ini timeout might fix this locally, it's not an option for the live site.
I'm guessing the PHP is trawling the assets to build a list to present.
Any suggestions on resolving this? Is there a way to cache this data to speed up the lookups?
I have other potential site conversions where even a valid set of assets will probably cause similar problems so I don't think this issue will go away.
I'll see if I can come up with some ideas and report back... eg. for Admin->Site->Assets, we could employ cke's cousin, ckfinder...
This plugin swaps out the native Site->Assets manager and uses CKFinder instead.
The problem of selecting an asset from a page's rich text editor still exists. I'll work on that next...
Is it possible to tell fuel to ignore that file and use mine instead via a configuration or do I need to physically overwrite that file to change the select function?
I have tinkered with the ckfassets.js - ckf_browseserver(path) to do something. I even tried changing the core ckfinder_php5.php file. Still no luck.
I am filling sub_folder attribute in the asset type input. I would like to open that subfolder in the assets/images folder when the ckfinder window opens.