Current blocks permission did not have access to edit , publish , delete , export, but when I deleted and recreated it did and worked just fine.
We are going to update a few more sites so we will keep our eyes on this but can you think why this mig…
I am seeing now that if I create a brand new permission it also has options for create edit , publish , delete , export, but the current Manage Blocks does not. I may try deleting the current Manage Blocks and create a new one and see what …
In the Fuel UI there is just one button for the Manage Blocks and that is checked yes. In the code I have seen the create, edit, etc listed in the arrays. It's any user that is not the SUPERADMIN that cannot access.
Experiencing the same error while working on an upgrade. I have only just started looking into it so it might be related or unrelated to this but in case it is figured I would comment and see whatever came of this.
Edit: It worked for me so I shoul…
That's awesome. Unfortunately, it's not just http vs https but that we have a whole different subdomain for the "secure" (really it's "member") site, so I'm not sure we can just use site_url. It would be switching between something like www.cogobike…
Actually we are experiencing the same problem even in an upgrade, which is why this is coming up now. We figured it would not be a problem in 1.3 but it was in an older 1.1 version and now we are working on a 1.3 upgrade and still finding it.
So I am reviving this thread because we have been using this semi-successfully with a minor bug that is turning into a bigger problem so I was hoping we might be able to run through it together.
We eventually ended up with this function:
So what would be this same fix for
Filename: libraries/fuel_page.php
Line Number: 646
The code is:
$output = preg_replace('/(]*>)/e', '"\\1\n".\$head_markers', $output);
Nevermind this was a super easy fix. Literally all I had to do was run:
git submodule init git submodule update
I was going to delete the thread but just figured it was worth leaving just in case someone else needed it and could find in search.
The upper code block is what we have in our globals file. I added it directly to the top block itself:
<?php $CI =& get_instance(); ?>
It still isn't working. What am I doing wrong?
Reopening this old thread because I am trying to do this in another site and I was just wondering if subcontainer_tag_class is an available parameter in 0.9.3 like it is in 1.x. Looking through the User Guide but I'm guessing not as it doesn't seem …
Seems like it was renamed and so
$this->load->module_model(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel_sitevariables_model');
should work?
Except I am still getting errors which I am not sure are related to this or something completely different but this is what I…
On a related but not really the same note, has the way to load the the site variables model changed?
We are loading from the controller this way:
this->load->module_model(FUEL_FOLDER, 'sitevariables_model');
but when I go to the view it g…
The line is has a problem with is:
echo $this->menu->render($secondaryMenu, 'active', NULL, 'basic');
but I can't figure out why it cannot render/use the menu class?
Nevermind, looks like if we add it to the DB manually you can still edit the post from the CMS and it will, indeed, save. We assumed the Firewall would continue to block it but I suppose not. So problem solved.
Awesome. One last question, hopefully. And this is actually part of a bigger question/conversation but relevant here.
We set up a constant for the secure url so that we could use SECURE_BASE_URL and BASE_URL as the second parameter if/when necessa…
Great! I've got this working in the back end just great. But when I try to use the function in a Fuelified page e.g.
bike shops
I get this error:
An Error Was Encountered
Call to a disallowed php…
Not quite sure.
What I'm trying to figure out is if there is a way to add a parameter to the internal link or something like that so that From either the secure or non-secure site you can reach internal pages in either site. So that it doesn't matt…
Great! That works perfectly!
For easy future reference this is what we have for 2 specific nav items with second level navgiation dropdowns. Any that do have a dropdown also have the dropdown class on the sub-container:
$primaryMenu = fuel_nav(a…
OK, I think I figured out what I was doing wrong in the first case and am able to get my 'has-dropdown" class successfully on the correct top level item:
$primaryMenu = fuel_nav(array('group_id' => 'Primary', 'depth' => 1, 'styles' => arr…
So I interpreted your comment on the styles parameter as meaning that you can target a specific menu item but when I added it it looks more like it applies that class to everything within that depth. So when I have added my code like this: