Block permission issue after upgrade

edited June 2016 in Bug Reports
We recently upgraded to 1.3 from the 0.9.3 and didn't notice at first because I am an admin, but regular users cannot edit blocks. They can view the blocks and all have correct block permissions but cannot click on them and when given the direct link see `You do not have permissions to complete this action.` Any ideas what could be going on here?


  • edited 9:57AM
    Do you have the permissions for blocks, blocks/create, blocks/edit, blocks/edit and blocks/publish assigned to that user?
  • edited 9:57AM
    In the Fuel UI there is just one button for the Manage Blocks and that is checked yes. In the code I have seen the create, edit, etc listed in the arrays. It's any user that is not the SUPERADMIN that cannot access.
  • edited 9:57AM
    I am seeing now that if I create a brand new permission it also has options for create edit , publish , delete , export, but the current Manage Blocks does not. I may try deleting the current Manage Blocks and create a new one and see what that does.
  • edited 9:57AM
    Current blocks permission did not have access to edit , publish , delete , export, but when I deleted and recreated it did and worked just fine.

    We are going to update a few more sites so we will keep our eyes on this but can you think why this might be happening and/or how to fix it? Should it be added to the db migrations?
  • edited June 2016
    old permissions:
    INSERT INTO `fuel_permissions` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `active`) VALUES ('27', 'blocks', 'Manage Blocks', 'yes');

    New permissions:
    INSERT INTO `fuel_permissions` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `active`) VALUES ('38', 'blocks/create', 'Blocks: Create', 'yes');
    INSERT INTO `fuel_permissions` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `active`) VALUES ('39', 'blocks/edit', 'Blocks: Edit', 'yes');
    INSERT INTO `fuel_permissions` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `active`) VALUES ('40', 'blocks/publish', 'Blocks: Publish', 'yes');
    INSERT INTO `fuel_permissions` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `active`) VALUES ('41', 'blocks/delete', 'Blocks: Delete', 'yes');

    This should probably be added to respective version upgrade sql file,
  • edited 9:57AM
    It turns out a lot of the permissions are missing from the migration.sql files, based on those listed here:
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