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  • Thank you. It was a weird thing. If my filter field belongs to the table of the module was not problem and the query displayed the where clause correctly but if the filter belongs to another table like this, the query was the same like if I wasn't…
  • Thank you, I'm working on that. But now I have another filter problem in other simple module. If I search typing the company name it works, but if I do the search through the advanced search with a dropdown it doesn't work. public $filters = ar…
  • Thanks, I didn't know about the sql options ON DELETE action. This got fixed setting CASCADE option. That was what I want. Before I discover this, I realized of the on_before_delete hook. I try to use it to delete some files when I'm going to dele…
  • After a little research in the code and printing the data before is downloaded, I realized that the problem wasn't neither fuel nor codeigniter. It was a problem of excel. If I open the csv file in sublime text, the information is displayed correctl…
  • Thank you, the problem in the fuel panel is solved. But the problem at the moment to export the data to csv is still there. Do you know what could be the problem here?
  • Thank you, what I do is change the module config, I change from $config['modules']['course] to $config['modules']['courses] and I use the model_name param. Now it's working properly.
    in Module url Comment by toquis June 2014
  • Thank you, now it's working. For a weird reason (I didn't open that file before), one line was commented if (method_exists($this->model, 'filters')) { //$this->filters = array_merge($this->filters, $this->model->filters($this-&…
  • Nope, if I set to false neither the triangle nor the buttons are displayed. What else can I do?
  • Of course, and the white square just show de title of "Advanced Search" and the buttons, search, close and reset search but the input field is not displayed
  • Thank you, but now I'm having a problem to access to the method in the model. According to the forms documentation, with this $fields['IDuser'] = array( 'type' => 'select', 'model' => array('portal_user' => 'get_admin_names'), 'firs…
  • Yes, why? Is that the problem?
  • Sorry, I didn't notice that the forum used "Diseñador" for both of them. What is being rendered is "Dise&amp ;ntilde ;ador" I add a white space in my answer before the ";" just to prevent the conversion of the characters. This error just happe…
  • Thank you, that works!!
  • Thank you for the explanation, and sorry for my bad english, but english is not my main language
  • Well... I should read MY Model Class before... so I didn't have to do the register function when my model class has one. But I have another question, this is more about some concepts or the purpose of some classes of fuel cms. At the beginning, wh…
  • Thank you so much, that's what I need. Due I'm going to use the custom properties in many functions within the controller I did this: public $user_record; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library('…
  • Thank you so much for the answers in all my questions. It's been really helpful, I really appreciate it.
  • Thank you for your answer. Sorry if my following question are dumb. But where do I have to set the $key_field? I did what you told me about the alias, and the main page of the module was not displaying errors. But when I clicked on create it's th…
  • Oh, thank you!! That worked, so far I don't need a submenu in the sidebar, so I didn't make my own navigation array, but If someday I'll need it, where should I create the navigation array?
  • Hi, thank you for your response. I added an space after every { and there is no more compilation error, however my map is still not loading. I wrap it too with "" and the same result. Do you know anything else I can try?