Error to save the section in a "create" fuel module

edited February 2011 in Bug Reports

I think that Fuel CMS have a little problem when I save a item in the module "Create" Section. In my Table I have a "datetime" item. In the module model I have the item as "required", but if I click in "Save" don't appear error and must appear a message error. With others fields in the table, eg, Text field I haven't any problem.
¿This a Fuel error? ¿Can you help me, please?
Thank you.


  • edited 12:39AM
    What's the name of the field? If it is a name that is in the auto_date_add model property, then it will automatically be generated for you. The default column names that will do this are 'date_added' and 'entry_date'.
  • edited 12:39AM

    Thank you for response. My name field is "date_start" and other with "date_end". I wish that if I click in the "Save" button appear a error because is a empty field, but then the field is set automatically to 00/00/0000 01:00.
    ¿How I can resolve this?

    Thank you.
  • edited 12:39AM
    What if you set the field to have a default of NULL?
  • edited February 2011

    Thank you for your response. I set the field default_date to NULL and now my fields is working properly. Thank you very much for your help.

  • edited 12:39AM

    Sorry to bother you again. I would ask again about the fields "datetime"on fuel. When I save a date, for example, 02/14/2011 10:30 pm, when I save I get the same date but with "am", that is, 02/14/2011 10:30 am. Is it my fault?

    Thank you very much.
  • edited 12:39AM
    That looks like a bug. I'll look into it.
  • edited 12:39AM

    Thank you very much for your response. Could you tell me when there is any solution, please?

    Thanks again for the support you offer in CMS FUEL, is great.
  • edited March 2011
    There was an issue with the value of the am/pm options that were being set in the Form_builder class. I've pushed an update to that file on GitHub.
  • edited 12:39AM

    Thank you very much, has been fast.

    Greetings and thank you again. You are great!
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