Error to save the section in a "create" fuel module
I think that Fuel CMS have a little problem when I save a item in the module "Create" Section. In my Table I have a "datetime" item. In the module model I have the item as "required", but if I click in "Save" don't appear error and must appear a message error. With others fields in the table, eg, Text field I haven't any problem.
¿This a Fuel error? ¿Can you help me, please?
Thank you.
Thank you for response. My name field is "date_start" and other with "date_end". I wish that if I click in the "Save" button appear a error because is a empty field, but then the field is set automatically to 00/00/0000 01:00.
¿How I can resolve this?
Thank you.
Thank you for your response. I set the field default_date to NULL and now my fields is working properly. Thank you very much for your help.
Sorry to bother you again. I would ask again about the fields "datetime"on fuel. When I save a date, for example, 02/14/2011 10:30 pm, when I save I get the same date but with "am", that is, 02/14/2011 10:30 am. Is it my fault?
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for your response. Could you tell me when there is any solution, please?
Thanks again for the support you offer in CMS FUEL, is great.
Thank you very much, has been fast.
Greetings and thank you again. You are great!