Some admin pages are stuck loading



  • edited 11:39PM
    Bare with me hear... I'm still not able to replicate it locally, so a couple more questions:

    1. This happens with a fresh install for you from GitHub (
    2. What server platform are you running (MAMP, XAMPP, WAMP etc)?
  • edited 11:39PM
    1. This happens with a fresh install from GitHub using the latest master or demo branch.
    2. The server platform is Linux OS (Cent OS) with Apache 2.2.15, PHP 5.2.13 and mySQL 5.0.92; this is my web hosting setup.

    My local WAMP server (Apache 2.2.17, PHP 5.3.4 and mySQL 5.1.53) is running on a Windows 7 x64 box and I don't have the problem there.
  • edited 11:39PM
    I was able to log in to (based on the link above), from both my Mac and PC and didn't see the error... strange. What if you clear the cache out of your browser, and perhaps any cookies associated with that domain? Also, just so I'm clear, you see that error message on the list view and maybe the create/edit views?
  • edited 11:39PM
    very odd.. I checked now and the error is NOT occurring.. I did have a ticket in with my web hosting company, but they haven't told me that they did anything (doesn't mean that they didn't).
  • edited 11:39PM
    OK... let me know if you find anything else out.
  • edited 11:39PM
    I just found out my web host disabled mod_security on my domain, which resolved the issue.
  • edited 11:39PM
    The simple answer to this is to copy the contents of jquery.cookie.js into another of the js files, therefore it gets loaded and not blocked by any Apache rules.
    (Credit for this goes to my mate Tom).
  • edited 11:39PM
    Good to know. What kind of Apache rules (for future reference)?
  • edited August 2011
    Can vary from server to server. Can be mod_security (Apache) or suhosin (PHP), each can be set up to not allow files with certain keywords in their name; like cookie
  • edited 11:39PM
    Just experienced the exact same thing uploading to the server. Changed the file "jquery.cookie.js" to "jquery.c00kie.js" and likewise changed the reference to it in fuel.php. All OK now!
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