How to add login to homepage?
Hi, I am new to Fuel and I see the dashboard forces a login but what about have the homepage having a login button and popup like it does for the dashboard? I know I can redirect with the new variable after login but I am completely confused as to how to do this.
The other variable was the login_redirect or something like that. So after they login takes them to whatever page that constant is set to. Constant, variable, whatever it is you added in recently.
Ultimately, I need to make an application that loads in different modules with ajax into a div so the outside menu does not change. I can handcode all this but using MVC is a bit new to me so trying to figure out if I need an advanced module or just a regular module setup. I was thinking to keep the same url and somehow getting the inner div to ajax in new data. This is somewhat I new topic but thought I would ask why the author is helping.
With regards to you wanting to load in different modules with ajax, that's a bit tougher to answer without some more details.
OK, so as for the application. I need menu buttons at the top of the page, that will load in a different menu bar and content below that. The content may be different lists from a database along with its own particular toolbar for tools related to that particular list of items.
FUEL does have an extension of CI's models and it's documentation can be found here:
With regards to using FUEL instead of straight up with a straight CodeIgniter install, you do get the ability to use CodeIgniter as intended, plus the addition of the CMS, the opt-in controller method and the ability to create modules which can be very helpful for most projects.
$this->load->module_library(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel_page', array('location' => 'clients'));
// $this->fuel_page->add_variables($vars);
But this did not.
I read here that $this->load->view('clients'); should have worked. I am glad something works for me, but why did it not work when it appeared it should have with CI way?