Rename blog to "news" in the URL

edited June 2011 in Modules
I'm on the Blog module settings screen (/fuel/blog/settings) and tried to change the path to the blog posts page that is by default at /blog to /news, but it doesn't appear to be working correctly. Go here to see the error:

If you go to you see the heading has changed to "News" but the news in the URL isn't working. Do I have to make a news.php controller for this to work? If so, what code do I put in there to redirect to the blog module?



  • edited 8:45AM
    Try adding these routes in your main config routes file:
    $route['news'] = 'blog'; $route['news/(:any)'] = 'blog/$1';
  • edited 8:45AM
    Excellent, thank you! This is basic CI stuff, so I shoulda realized this on my own, but thanks!
  • edited 8:45AM
    I have my blog area routed from /news perfectly, except no links within the blog module are working. If I click any title of a post, or do a search or click archives or authors, I get the 404 screen every time. What do you think is happening?
  • edited 8:45AM
    Try to click the titles of the blog posts here:
  • edited 8:45AM
    I even uncommented the route declaration in config.php for the /news url routes and it is still the same behavior.
  • edited 8:45AM
    It looks like there is an ending slash missing on the URL after blog. Add that in the blog settings module under "URI".
  • edited 8:45AM
    THANK YOU! Fixed it!
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