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  • I'll check out 1.0. I really appreciate the continual support you provide for this CMS. Thanks.
  • I inspected the source and it seems like indeed that is what it is doing. It's displaying it differently in the inspector than in the actual source code. Thanks again. My final question since it ties in with this is is there a way to change the orde…
  • That fixed it, thanks. Now, is it possible with the before_html and after_html options to not have it automatically create a closing div tag when an opening div tag is used?
  • Sorry for including the yes/no array in the code above but I really am trying to do a checkbox. Even when formatted as $fields['website_design'] = array('type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'formtest'); it still doesn't work. It does however let m…
  • I also tried the 'before_html' => 'div class="formtest"' (i did use < and > in the actual code, these forums don't let you display html), however it is automatically placing a closing tag as well so this doesn't really help me. I would need…
  • Logging out and logging back in fixed it.
  • Thanks. If I put the page name that the jquery content lies on before the # in the link reference it works fine. I have another question but I'll open a new thread for that. Thanks for the help.