Ok. It's working now.
I needed to update the select2 plugin to the new version.
I removed the field from the foreign_keys array. Then I assign the "select" type (not the "select2" type) to it.
Then I added the following code to the form_fields m…
Your suggestion didn't help either, because... everything was OK on the Fuel side.
Finally, the server team gave me access to an Adminer to access the database. So it was easy to see that the data wasn't updating in realtime on the database. So I u…
That's exactly what it seems. Data is updated in the data base but the refresh of the page show the previous version of the data set.
I tried to avoid any server and client caché with no result.
Any clue?
I can see that on AJAX refresh, but not on page load/refresh.
When I load/refresh the page I "sometimes" get a previous state of the embedded list, except when it loads after saving the main form.
When loading the list via AJAX, it loads the corre…
Also, when I delete one of the embedded list items, the item still appears in the list when I refresh the page.
I have to open the "Add xx" modal and close it again to refresh the list.
Then I refresh the page and the item is there again.
Same b…
Thank you for your answers!
I don't want to add a "no value" record to the table.
I used the "first_option" parameter, as suggested by admin, but i had to implement the "on_before_save" function to replace the "0" value to NULL. Otherwise, the "0" i…
I just wanted to say how I solved this.
I just added...
public $invisibleFields = array('precedence');
... to my model.
And then, in the items() function of the Module fuel class i added...
First line of the function at fuel/modules/fuel/assets/js/fuel/linked_field_formatters.js
// standard slugify borrowed from http://www.milesj.me/resources/snippet/13
function url_title(text) {
text = text.normalize('NFD');
text = text.repl…
Hi almostcompletely
I already tried that. If i do not include the precedence column, the reordering button does not appear and the reordering is not possible