Yes the value is still there after line 255. I'm actually using {$catName} in the "Body" section of the admin and it works fine as well as in the "Page Title" section, but if I put it in a "Heading" section which i've added through my layout, {$catN…
What i've done so far is to just change lines 714 and 715 of fuel/modules/fuel/controllers/module.php from this:
$posted[$tmp_field_name] = url_title($field_value, 'underscore', TRUE); $posted[$field_name] = url_title($field_value, 'underscore', TR…
I'm experiencing this same issue. I changed my $fields['filename'] var to $fields['filename_upload'] but that didn't do anything different. The name of the file in the db still has an uppercase letter, but the actual file uploaded is all lowercase. …
Doing that seems to allow me to upload an image. I'm then setting that image in the page like this:
<?php $patsImage = fuel_var('pats_image_upload'); ?> " class="portfolio-image" alt="sample image" />
This l…
It is being set through a query like this:
$vars['catName'] = $this->patterns_access_model->get_category_by_id($categoryId); // use Fuel_page to render so it will grab all opt-in variables and do any necessary parsing $page_init = array('loc…
I found this and it seems like the layouts are the only way to do it.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. So the file actually gets uploaded, but my filename field in the database does not get populated. I'm still trying to debug through module.php to see where it chokes.
If you look at line 1150, you'll s…
Photo_categories model:
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Photo_categories_model extends Base_module_model { public $record_class = 'Photo_category'; function __construct() { …
I figured it out. This line $vars = array('page_title' => 'Check Out Our List Of '.$vars['catName'].' Patterns | Campbell Custom Coatings'); overrights my vars['catName'] declaration.
I should have gotten some sleep before posting on here. Than…
if i change the dwoo to {if $catId == "test"} it works. Is there a bug in the importing of a view file with an if statement or am i doing something goofy?
How do I include the base_module_model? My module works fine with this model it's just when I try to call this model from a controller it's throwing the error.
I think i figured it out. I created a new model that extends MY_model and not Base_module_model and it works.
I take it the problem is that I cannot use a model that extends Base_module_model because those are used for the admin side of things cor…
That threw an exception but it was because i had to change places in my code to reference the new column name. Seems to work now.
I think i see why that column should be called photo_category_id. it's because my categories table is called photo_ca…
Here's my photo_categories_module
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Photo_categories_model extends Base_module_model { public $record_class = 'Photo_category'; function __construct() …