I realized that I need to filter total_rows to only get rows that are set to the finance 'silo': 'where' => array('silos.name' => 'finance')
Is there a way to modify $config['total_rows'] = $CI->db->get('news')->num_rows(); to do thi…
Thanks for all your help and patience with this but I cannot get this to work.
I don't know what I'm missing but I'm giving up on this route. Looks like my only option
is to try to recreate everything in an advanced module.
I need to be able to l…
I see. Thanks for your patience with this.
One more question on this before I completely give up on this.
There doesn't seem to be a way for me to save this in the list view. It just keeps redirecting me to .../fuel/news_comments_settings/items/of…
I think this code from the blog_settings controller might be what I'm looking for...
$this->load->module_model(BLOG_FOLDER, 'blog_settings_model'); $this->load->module_library(BLOG_FOLDER, 'fuel_blog'); $this->js_controller_par…
I was able to render the form based on the model's form_fields in the list view this way:
$fields = $this->news_comments_settings_model->form_fields();
And then:
Still can't figure out ho…
Yup, I did try the list parameter and wasn't able to render a form in that view until this morning.
I don't know if I'm going about this the right way but here is what I have in my news_comments_settings view to render the form:
<?php …
Is it possible to have the form appear on the first page that you land on when
you open the module (just like blog settings)?
The only way I'm able to see the form is on the create_edit view page by calling <?=$form?> from the view. I only n…
Yes, sorry, I meant model and thanks for the link.
I have the view enabled now but I can't figure out how to pass the form_fields method to it. How would you create a form in the view?
I've been looking at the settings controller as a guide but c…
Could you give me an idea of where to start with getting the settings module to work as a simple module?
The comments module is more or less set up but I can't figure out how to get the settings module to run without throwing errors and notices.
Having a couple of issues...
How do I implement the correct path to load an application/config file within a simple module? Is there another constant like MODULES_PATH? I can't figure out how to import that file in my new model.
I'm basing this o…
Thanks so much yet again. I'll have to send you a case of beer
It's working, but with a small issue remaining. Link 1 remains bold and not active no matter which page I am on. And if I'm on the last page, the next arrow still shows with no previou…
Thanks for that.
I've tried to implement this in my view but I'm still stuck.
Right now I have a loop that displays teaser excerpts and that is what I'd like to paginate. I don't want to use the table helper for this.
Here is my view code plus th…
That worked, along with the option_list in the silos model set up like this...
function options_list() { $permissions = $this->fuel_auth->get_permissions(); $silo_permissions = array(); // typecast to array to avoid errors…
I'm likely way off here...
$silo_options = $CI->silos_model->options_list('silos.id', 'silos.name', array('silos.published' => 'yes'), 'silos.name'); $fields['silo'] = array('options' => $silo_options);
This is the code I was usin…
Getting there... having some issues with the permissions for the silos dropdown though.
Setting permissions on the silos model options_list is throwing errors (missing arg 1 & 2 and undefined vars for args 1 & 2). This worked fine for filte…
Sorry. I wasn't calling $silo properly. Forgot to use $this. Here's the correct code for others reading this...
$url = site_url('news/'.$this->silo .'/'.$year.'/'.$month.'/'.$day.'/'.$this->slug);
Is there a way to restrict this list of si…
Thanks for the help.
Yes, I would like to get the name of the silo to insert into the url as a segment.
I have a multi-select set up in the news model that is populated by the silos model option list.
(Ideally this should be a select dropdown wher…