Your controller seems fine. I can't reproduce this error on my local fuel with xampp so I'm thinking there might be something wrong with wamp or your fuel installation.
fuel_nav is part of the fuel_helper which should be loaded by default but I su…
Turns out the error with the Extending feature was caused by My_parser, it was using Dwoo_templete_string which doesn't handle it well. I will post my solution later if any1 has the same problem.
It seems to be working fine when I copied it over. however, i noticed dwoo is abit outdated(last update from 2 years ago) and the Extends feature which is one of the best things about it still doesnt function as intended after the update so im eithe…
The first solution works great and Dwoo has great Smarty support. But now my layout pages are not parsed, only my views are.
My idea was to use this inside the main layout page to parse the blocks and everything else:
Thanks for the help and the fast reply. This works just fine.
As a small note, if you want to use the above code in a Model you should add this before it $CI = &get_instance();