I found out how I can solve this.
My controller name is Activities. So when I visit www.site.com/activities then it loading the index(). the problem was that the uri segments were coming from the CMS. So when you visit www.site.com/activities/conta…
I have also some problems with the routing. I'm using a controller for the page "activities". The views are coming from the CMS. The page www.site.com/activities is just working but when I'm trying to open the page www.site.com/activities/activity i…
No, On the home page I've a block text en underneath the news items. I'm talking about this website: http://st-evenementen.nl/
I would like to edit the body text in the CMS in the page section. The news is a module what can be edit in the CMS. So t…
Ok thanks that's working now. I'm curious if it's possible to edit the content of the home page in the CMS and loading te news module with the home controller. I don't like to have PHP in my CMS page because the client wont understand the code and i…