I created a controller instead of doing the opt-in controller thing and put this in the index function:
$CI =& get_instance(); if( $CI->session->has_userdata('user_id') ) { $user = $this->members_model->get_user($CI->session…
For anyone else who wonders about this, I added this to the model and it fixed the issue of the 'active' field defaulting to 'yes','no'...
public $boolean_fields = array('active');
Now the query looks like this...
SELECT `users`.* FROM `…
Thanks so much for that tip! Didn't remember get_errors(). That uncovered the issue. I had carelessly saved the affiliate_id as an integer in the table. Should've been a varchar. Also the transaction_id was typed as a string in the method...
Array …
What puzzles me is why does...
Followed by...
Result in...
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `affiliate_sale_credits`
I've looked at php and my…
Access rights are set properly. One thing I left out is /fuel/application/models/affiliate_sale_credits_model.php ...
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); require_once(FUEL_PATH.'models/base_module_model.php…
I know this discussion is old now but hoping to crank it off again. I was wondering how you were establishing the connection to the library.
Trying to use the Braintree Payments library
I'm on a Mac and…
This probably isn't the best thing to do but I just edited the filemanager.js file. There's a config function that looks like this around line 28...
// We retrieve config settings from filemanager.config.js var config = (function () { var json =…
I found out what was going on and hope this can help someone else. My server uses suPHP. Here's the reply from the server tech:
The fix had to do with the file ownership and permissions. Your server runs …
gotcha. The issue of the filemanager not showing up has now been fixed, btw. Turns out it was a permissions issue. I've asked the server tech to let me know what he did to fix it so I can pass it on here.
Am using the latest fuelCMS version. I'm having trouble with this as well but only at the server. I'm using a Mac locally using a virtual domain name so my local build is using a mydevsite.com type URL. I first placed the filemanager directory into …
no, in the short term I've just added a conditional to hide the footer based on the presence of specific URL param. I haven't tried with a fresh install yet. Ran out of time working on this but will do that and post back.
yep, so I guess that blows that theory. It's hidden below the bottom of the iframe but it's there nonetheless. Is there a way I can run a debug for that to see where it's overriding, or never running fuel_set_var?
I just pulled the latest fuel from github and getting the same results. I know what you mean, though, get a fresh install and see if all by itself I get the same thing. Thing is, the view is being rendered into an iframe and seems to somehow be losi…
It sure seems to be the case. I just can't figure out where that's happening. If I call it from outside the list_items method, like players_model->list_items() it doesn't do that.
I'm having a similar issue and I bet it's because I don't completely understand the list_items function. I wish there were a brief way to explain this. Will do my best...
I have a games_model, players_model, plays_model and a campaigns_model that a…
Why would this not set the $col and $order vars on any of my models? Am I the only one this is happening to?
function list_items($limit = NULL, $offset = NULL, $col = 'time_played', $order = 'desc')
Logging out and in (session) didn't have any effect. But, adding...
'default_col' => 'time_played',
'default_order' => 'desc'
...to the $config['modules']['plays'] array in My_fuel_modules.php did the trick. Thanks!
I found that if I echo out the $col and $order variables I get:
$col - 'winner'
$order - 'asc'
The only way I can change that is to define the variables in the list_items function:
$col = 'time_played';
$order = 'desc';
Then it works. But, of cou…
Ahhh, thanks. I've changed it and it now works perfectly.
One more thing since we're talking about the list view in the CMS. I can't get the list view to initially order_by what I set in the list_items function. It seems to pick something to order…
Thanks. I see you were up late last night working on this. I really appreciate your dedication to this CMS. Love the new look, btw!
So, I've pulled from your master branch and I bet I just don't know what I'm doing. (my money's on that anyway) I've…
Wow, thanks. There are a lot of options. So, I've tried various combinations of what you entered above.
Currently I have this in the plays_model right after foreign keys...
public $filters = array('players.first_name', 'players.last_name', 'play…
I figured it out. There was a duplicate entry of the prizes field setup that was looking for published status of the game further down in the code. I had farmed this out to another dev earlier and it was a spaghetti mess when I got it back including…
Actually, I have to associate this with a client_id so needed to control the options values. I hadn't included that part in the description above in an effort to keep things simple. Here's the actual setup...
// set promoter prize selection area if(…
Right, it's just not displaying when the game is set to not published but the value of the variable is echoing out the same either way. I had set that up prior to switching over to 1.0 and never changed it. So, would there be a conflict there?