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  • Here's a writeup. I have a bunch of things I end up doing to a Fuel install straight away that I'd love to share but if you are launching a major revision, it'll probably nullify them. Can't wait to see what you have going here, would love to contri…
  • wow.. that took way too long.. haha Ok, figured it out. The problem was in /app/third_party/MX/Modules.php. You are setting a path relative to the app directory, which, when you move the app out of fuel, breaks. I changed APPPATH.'../modules/' =&g…
  • So I'm working on this problem. I have my paths updated. I'm getting an error about CI_Controller not being instantiated, but it's actually dying at line 157 in CodeIgniter.php, during the $RTR->_set_routing() call. From there, it eventually die…
  • Is this not being tracked on GitHub or just in planning stages? Don't mean to sound pushy, just trying to plan out my next project that would benefit here. Thanks again for such amazing support!
  • Could all the libraries and 3rd party stuff live in the /fuel/codeigniter folder? Meaning, when they are included, does fuel search the app directory first and fallback to the ci folders? Shouldn't all the client specific code be as separated as po…
  • It's funny you don't mention this in the README since you asked the question yourself in another thread, but for people who just tried to install this. - This module is designed for the dashboard. So you need to add it do the 'dashboards' key in yo…
  • Tried putting the config in there and naming it "default", no luck; although, the browser is loading that file. Also tried the ckeditor/plugis/styles/styles/default.js Again, loads it, but no change. Interesting though, it is sourcing my 'contentsC…
  • I'm now loading a custom JS file for Fuel. Tried putting this in it CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'my_style', [ // Block-level styles { name : 'Paragraph' , element : 'p' }, { name : 'Heading 1 awe' , element : 'h1' } ]); No luck. Also tried adding…
  • Oh awesome. That works great. If anyone else is interested in using this function, it allows you to set a custom upload path and asset path with one line. Add the above function to your model, and call it in form_fields using $this->asset_cus…
  • I guess what I meant was if the file structure looked like /fuel/application (fuel app) /myapp (my app with clean directories) Or maybe it can already do this ?
  • My vote is keeping the demo site out of the core branch. Better yet, it would be great if my application could be completely separate from codeigniter and fuel. I believe this is possible with CI2.0 right? Or is this a problem because of how fuel …