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  • So if I understand you correctly, "blog/config/blog_routes.php" reroutes the request for "blog/posts/edit" to "blog/module/edit" looking at the "module->edit()" method, it is referencing "$this->model" I can't see where "$this->model" is a…
  • Ah, I didnt know one could use load->module_library from the main application. Thats simpler. So now that I have groked this, the old Codeignitor way took 5 minutes, and the FuelCMS way takes 1 minute. Ya got to love modernization.......
  • I am starting to grok the module invocation......I guess the answer might be that I add a method to the blog_categories_model, that method will invoke the "Fuel_blog" library, and then I invoke the blog_categories_model from the view something like …
  • Ok, I am afraid I am lost here... is this code to go in a controller? A Model? A Library? Meanwhile, I notice there is a library in the [blog module] named "Fuel_blog.php" and within that library is a method named "get_category_posts()". It …
  • Thanks for this, I think i will give method 3 a try, since what I really want to do is learn to do it in the Fuel-y method. I was actually expecting some kind of an answer that involved loading multiple modules (articles & categories) and link…
  • Ok... so the old codeignitor way takes five minutes to do this.... $sSql = "Select a.* from fuel_blog_posts a where a.id in (select b.post_id from fuel_blog_posts_to_categories b join fuel_blog_categories c on b.category_id = id and c.name = 'annou…
  • It seems to me that a key learning concept should be how to create, initialize, invoke and communicate with modules. However I cannot find much on that. As an example, it would take me about 5 minutes in standard codeignitor/zend/cake to grab a ra…
  • So, I get to the end of the tutorial, and "download the final files" The final files is missing the "variables" file, but otherwise, the downloaded files worked. Either some code was wrong on the tutorial, or the instructions on where to copy-past…