or actually my solution with relationships_model=false
works perfectly with those little changes in the My_Model
on one side on movie_model :
public $foreign_keys = array('director_id' =>'director_model');
and on the director_model
public $ha…
ok ! explanation (sorry) :
I have a movie_model and a director_model
in my movie_model i used $foreign_keys for director_model on director_id
so i can select my director in the dropdown list in a movie record
BUT i also want to have access to th…
So here is the proposition to keep relationships_model=false possible
public function process_relationships($id)
$CI =& get_instance();
// handle has_many relationships
if (!empty($this->has_many))
$rel_fields = $this->…
Got it working !
in my extension of BaseFuelController
line 40: var sortingId = $(elem).next().attr('id');
replaced by : var sortingId = "sorting_"+$(elem).attr('id');