You are absolutely right. In the main fuel application and in the other module views calling lang('reference_to_any_module_lang_file') works like a charm.
The Blog module is the exception. In the views of Blog module calling lang('reference_to_bl…
* I'm not sure if I understand your quesiton.
I'm using echo lang('reference_to_lang_file_in_english_language_folder') what works fine. But if I want to use lang('reference_to_lang_file_in_english_language_folder_from_other_module') I should impor…
Finally I solved that by selecting "Javascript submit" to "no" in CMS in Forms config of the "Contact". After that I set that back to "yes" and this has started to work properly. Hell know what happened.
Ohh, please help. It is still there.
The whole page is doubled under the contact form created in CMS - between reCaptcha and Submit button.
The doubled page shows in tags:
here is reCaptcha
I found the solution - in application/config/routes.php set the default_controller as blog:
$route['default_controller'] = 'blog'; //'fuel/page_router';
It would be great to make possible doing that in CMS.
Is "Alias" not for that?
One more thing - in order make that work the fuel/application/config/MY_fuel_layouts.php must contain layout configuration like this:
$config['layouts']['layouts_filename'] = array( 'module' => 'advanced_module', );
'layouts_filename' …
This is a way of rendering a page within a layout in the advanced module:
$vars['layout'] = 'main'; $this->fuel->pages->render('my_view', $vars, array('view_module' => 'advanced_module'));
Thank you admin
That doesn't change anything. Even if I set a layout main which is present in both folders: application/views/_layout and modules/advanced_module/views/_layout.
I was trying to get a page object and assign_layout() or define layout_path or layout…
That renders a web page without any layout (header and footer). Where a layout should be defined?
I've tried with
echo $this->fuel->blocks->render( 'header_logged_in', $vars ); $this->fuel->pages->render('my_module', $vars, a…
I found why the render() function showed a blank page and how to render the view.
Then, setting the page title was just a matter of adding the element to $vars.
The issue is when I call $this->fuel->pages->render('my_view', $vars); in t…
I have paste it after ERROR REPORTING section and no change.
The only error I got from the error log from my hosting service is this one that appear on every http request:
[Wed Feb 05 23:32:02 2020] [error] [client] request="GET /abo…
If you are asking for settings in fuel/application/config/config.php then $config['log_threshold'] = 2; and in fuel/application/logs/log-2020-02-04.php I see no errors.
phpinfo() shows that display_errors is On and display_startup_errors is On.
Yes. I have even updated the Ion Auth and still the same - page titles in the browser tab are My view.
I have commented several mods and now when I try to render a page with $this->fuel->pages->render('my_view', $vars); I see a blank pa…
The model's file name is "Ion_auth_model" with first capital letter.
The class is loaded in the controllers construct function with $this->load->library('ion_auth'); :
class Sportcenter extends CI_Controller { public function __const…
Is it possible to have several functions in the controller and also accept parameters by index()?
class Sportcenter extends CI_Controller { public function index($user_id) { shows the list of the tests } public function resul…
I have tried to render the page via $this->fuel->pages->render('my_view', $vars); but I'm getting the compile error:
Message: Cannot declare class Ion_auth_model, because the name is already in use Filename: models/Ion_auths_model.php Li…
I found that if you call find_one() function in the view file - then above problem appears.
I believe that this function should be called in the controller.
Sorry for the lack of precise info.
The "Select an option..." appears as first option instead of default "Select one ...".
If I select the "Select an option..." and click Save button the page reloads and message "Data has been saved." appears. Bu…
It doesn't work. I've got this code.
public function form_fields($values = array(), $related = array())
$fields = parent::form_fields($values, $related);
$fields['parent_id']['first_option'] = 'Select one item or none ...';