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  • Yes, I forgot to inform about that... I'm on 1.0 right now. In what way will it have better support? Haven't looked around especially for that, probably why I missed the obvious above. No need to hurry with an answer about this. Thanks for your tim…
  • My bad! I assumed lang files were connected to front end also. I copied the default theme and changed the html as supposed I think ;-) Voila! Sometimes solutions are the simplest... Thanks again!
  • Oh, sorry. I mean outside fuel admin in public pages. Or don't those files cover the public areas? Thanks!
  • First part was quite simple, though bit trickier to migrate the blog posts as the tables changed a bit more. Fuel migrations? No, I haven't done a Codeigniter migration. Cheers!
  • Just for feedback: I found those, and probably could make use of this. Thanks!
  • Ok. But I need to know the original ID also, that is I will need both IDs in on_after_save. Is that possible? Thanks!
  • Yes! Tried that last night and works like a charm. Thanks for advices and your time!
  • Looks like it's _list_items_query() that adds to the WHERE clause, but I haven't figured out why really in the if..else statement.
  • Yep, took me a while to get to your conclusion about the the ajax calls. Thanks! But i didn't know how to go from there and your simple solution seems the way to go. Close... but not all the way. Now I get this: A Database Error Occurred Error Nu…
  • Tried it out, unfortunately result is the same as in first post. Seems to be it cannot extract the URI segment the second time around. If I put a static number instead of URI segment, like so: $where = array('tm_Course.tourevent_id' => 12); It w…
  • Don't want to make it static, but I could of course use a conditional statement. Then I still would be able to get the full list by default. Thanks again!
  • Can I pass variables to list_items() from my controller in another way? Reason is, now I have a links in my "Events"-list containing an "Event"-id. Through these I want to show only the courses that belongs to each event in a list.
  • And how do I do that? I don't want any static WHERE-statments there or? Thanks for your time!
  • Yes, I want them to show up in a table below the "TourEvents" form. If it would be possible just like they are listed in a simple module. An "Add" button on top and "Edit" buttons on each course row would be necessary. When I click "Save" in the "To…
  • I found that there are similar needs in another topic: http://www.getfuelcms.com/forums/discussion/709/extend-admin-module-edit-page I tried to convert Lance example to my needs, but didn't got to work just yet. I'll post my quiestions in there.
  • Thank you for the earlier answers and patiance. Regarding the above problem. Is it poosible to have a courses->list_items() listed under the tour_events->form_fields()? And is it possible using simple modules? How and where would I call that…
  • Well maybe not, but trying to get a grip on FuelCMSs builtin tools. It should work, and it's practial to use those standard tools.
  • If it helps, this the mentioned tables: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tm_TourEvent` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `eventName` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `startDate` date NOT NULL, `endDate` date NOT NULL, `Country_id` int(11) NOT NUL…
  • This is set in the courses_model: public $foreign_keys = array( 'TourEvent_id' => 'tour_events_model', 'Division_id' => 'divisions_model', 'RoundType_id' => 'round_types_model' );
  • Never mind, I found it :-) Screened for too fast... Of course it's in MY_fuel.php -> $config['ck_editor_settings'].