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  • Hi, sorry I had no time to answer for 2 weeks... Coming back to my confusing posts :-) This is your Router.php /* application sub-directory controller exists? */ if($directory) { if(is_file(APPPATH.'controllers/'.$module.'/'.ucfirst($direc…
  • hmmm what exactly should the check "application controllers sub-directory exists?" achieve? On uncommenting the whole block //else { // /* application controllers sub-directory exists? */ // if (is_dir(APPPATH . 'controller…
  • Ok. was not the whole solution... I have another page feuerwehr-bs.de/aktuelles which is defined as redirect to feuerwehr-bs.de/aktuelles/news in the cms... because I have the folder aktuelles in controllers this results in 404... keep on checking ;…
  • had to make some adjustments in the form module... Controller and Models had also not a UC first char
  • yes... that did it... so only change is the else statement. Do you think this causes problems in other scenarios?
  • I am using several types of pages on my site: 1. "normal" cms page created in the backend -> works fine 2. "normal" cms page with additional controller (for form processing) -> page loading works fine but form submit fails in 404 3. "module" c…
  • did a little more debugging. The URL http://dev.feuerwehr-bs.de/technik/fahrzeuge/16 is working. Here in CodeIgniter.php line 403 $class= My_page_router and method = index The URL http://dev.feuerwehr-bs.de is not working. $class = "" and $method = …
  • ok... got a step further. First issue was that in my installation not all custom files had the prefix MY in uppercase. Some where in lowercase my ... so my custom MY_page_router wasn't found... Now I have the 404 page of my fuel cms installation. I …
  • In line 410 of CodeIgniter.php (Sanity Checks) the variable $e404 is introduced. The following lines always result in $e404 being true, so that the default codeigniter 404 page is shown. I don't know why the Fuel CMS route handling does not work a…
  • Hi, I just updated to 1.4. I got the backend working, but in the frontend all urls are redirected to the codeigniter default 404 page. In CodeIgniter.php $e404 always results in true. Any idea which point ist the best to start debugging?
  • Shame on me... uploading the changed file is a great help in solving the issue... :-(
  • Yes, we have a contact form for an enduser to buy tickets for an event. The problem is that in case of an "invalid" mail address test@test without the TLD the form gets submitted, but the user will never get the confirmation mail for his order... a…
  • hmmm seems to be in another place too... changing the regex in jquery.validate.min.js did not work...
  • I found the error. It is in jquery.validate.js line 1063. The regex is defined as proposed here: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#valid-e-mail-address This accepts email addresses without TLD. From my point of view in "normal" use …
  • hmmm the field doesn't appear when I edit my form in the forms module... still only name, label, field type, required and attribute visible
  • did you already push it to the dev branch?
  • Hi, I think I have found another bug? In line ~14 of the file forms/controllers/form.php the method $form->get_return_url(); returns nothing. If I try to read $form->return_url the correct value is shown.
  • Hi, for max value this worked. I also had to adjust the defaults array ~10 lines above and set min to NULL there to get it working for the min value. The other question is now, how to set a default value as initial value when the form is rendered.
  • Hi, the problem was that the fuel redirect for 404 expects a page named 404_error in the cms. My paged was named different...
  • I am not using the generated post pages at them moment... my module config looks like $config['modules']['missions'] = array( 'module_name' => 'Einsätze', 'instructions' => lang("einsatz_instructions"), 'permission' => 'mission…
  • Ok... I think I got 1 and 2 with if (!in_array(uri_path(TRUE), $this->fuel->pages->cms()) && uri_path(TRUE) != "offline") { $uri_path = uri_path(TRUE); if (substr($uri_path, -1) == "/") { $ur…
  • not array_key_exists but in_array must be used. But this is not the whole solution... this does not take into account urls with a / at the end and the module detail pages with the id as suffix are not recognized correctly... I think I need to spend…
  • I solved the problem for my installation by creating a my_page_router controller and overriding the _remap function. if (!array_key_exists(uri_path(TRUE), $this->fuel->pages->cms()) && uri_path(TRUE) != "offline") { $t…
  • I debugged the routing... File Router.php in modules/fuel/core method _validate_request $this->locate does not return anything for the given segments, because the cms routes are not loaded into $this->routes
  • hmmm ok. Now the controller is found. But that was not the whole trick... I have 2 layouts in my CMS. The main layout for simple cms content pages and a module layout for more custom pages generated on base of simple modules in the cms. All pages …
  • hmmm I have now a controller Error <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Error extends CI_Controller { public function error404() { $this->fuel->pages->render("404notfound", $data, …
  • aaaaaaaaaah thanks... that was the missing link... config/routes.php says $route['404_override'] = 'fuel/page_router'; ;-) And I am wondering why it results in the page router :-)
  • Hmm got a little bit closer... via debugging I ended up in the library Fuel_pages initialize. There a page is created with the default layout main... Have I configured something wrong? From my understanding the 404 override should have happened ear…
  • thank you :-)
  • Hi, I just saw that in my backend the rearrange button does not appear any more. I don't know exactly when the button disappeared... The behaviour of the list view on loading is that first the rearrange and create button appear, but then the rear…