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  • This is depend on ajax request call. I change my code like: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7980193/codeigniter-session-bugging-out-with-ajax-calls sometimes still problem, but it is better than before changes
  • No, I just work in one tab. I did change session storage in database but did not change anything.
  • thanks for your answer. I mean when I logged in yo admin panel, sometimes after a second, automaticlly log out and ask me to login again. my session destroy. most of the time I have this poblem.
  • many thanks. I will trying.
  • No, I mean each user has some classes in school and I want to add user classes under user edit form (ajax form). on_after_save() doesnt render html data into user form. I added some line of code to fuel/views/_layout/admin_main.php for create extra …
  • Hi, yes it is located normal module like user list. for instance, in create user, when I create new user and save it (and redirect to edit mode) I wana show a sub form under user form to add some Data for user created. user table has one to many rel…
  • I solved my problem with a simple solution: I had 2 changes: 1- Add line 482 fuel/controllers/module.php $this->js_controller_params['item_id'] = $this->uri->segment(4); 2- Edit line 16 fuel/assets/js/fuel/controller/BaseFuelController.js t…
  • in another words, I want to use user module for make my new module. for example I create example module with preview_path=> 'example/id/x' But I got 404 page not found. I made a controller and its action in my application but didn't change respon…
  • I just installed fuel and create a module. I have same problem with sample "project module". I have to copy navigation.php and pages.php to my application controller? with change or not change. please explain me more thanks