Sorry for inconvenience, i can even reproduce the bug !!
in a static view i have
echo $CI->my_fuel_blocks->render(array('view' => 'a_block', 'mode' => 'view'));
and Works fine…
Ok i've tried more deeply the Fuel_block_layout features. Can be very interesting on other context, but in my case i'm not fan of dB dependancies between fuel_page_variables and the content of a block (i've perhaps miss other way to use it …
hi, thx for your answer.
And yep my question was silly, even with the page layout, update of html structure in dB will need to update every page in 6 language.
I think i need to be more granular in my visions, and perhaps develop static content in…
Hi, thx for your answer.
i've reproduce the example of the documentation about Block Layouts, so i have in
// Added to the 'layouts' key
$config['layouts']['test'] = $test_layout;
// Fuel layout blo…