I love Fuel and think its code is much more futuristic than CodeIgniter's. It's nice to see development continue and more ruby-esque methods such as has_many and belongs_to incorporated.
As you probably know, Ellislab has ann…
Ok I had to do both. I renamed PasswordHash.php to Passwordhash.php, SimpleLoginSecure to Simpleloginsecure, changed the class and constructor names of both to match, and then called the libraries with all lowercase :$this->CI->…
I spoke too soon. I had previously disabled some other libraries to get fuel working, but now that I'm enabling them again my site is barfing again. Here is the error I'm getting:
A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: U…
I commented out the MY_Session library load and it seems to work now. I was using this library which I think is incompatible:
I think I imported it from a previous project and am not using i…
The where code was basically result_id = $this->db->insert_id(), result_id being my primary key in my quiz_answers table. For on_after_save I just had a blank override method in case I would use it later.
function on_after_save($values) …
This code was running fine except for creating new rows. I used $this->db-> insert_id() to get the last row inserted or updated, and then tried to run another update query. insert_id() would work on both inserts and updates (saves)…
Weird, that site must have just gone down.
Here is the script I used:
$(document).ready(function() { //When page loads... $(".tab_content").hide(); //Hide all content $("ul.tabs li:first").addClass("active").show(); //Activate first tab $(".t…
I just wanted to say I got this (jquery tabs) working using my advanced module and a custom view. First I tried sections, custom fields, and divs in the "before_html" and "after_html" properties using set_field_order, but the form en…
The custom field code worked, thanks!
$view_path didn't work, and neither did controller property $view_location (which I found in blog/settings), but simply $this->_render('films/films_create_edit', $vars); did.
I'm having a lot of trouble with custom fields and custom views in my advanced module. I have two questions:
1) How do I create a custom field from the form_fields method? I want to show an image and have radio buttons to choose values a…
A note on my progress...I don't think $CI->load->module_model() is documented, I had to use that instead of $CI->load->model() from some of my other models. And I don't think advanced modules are supported in …
Instead of extending Fuel_base_controller.php, to inherit most of the simple module functionality I'm doing this in my advanced module controller:
require_once(INSTALL_ROOT.'/modules/fuel/controllers/module.php'); class Films extends Module { fu…
Thanks for the cool CMS...
I found another typo in the advanced module guide:
$route[FUEL_ROUTE.'tools/user_guide/:any'] = 'user_guide/$1';
should be:
$route[FUEL_ROUTE.'tools/user_guide/(:any)'] = 'user_guide/$1';
I th…