Fuel 1.0 beta, ah ha, so if I define my own find_one_array in my model I can get it to return the data I need from joined tables? I will have a crack at that and let you know how I get on.
Sorry it's Fuel 1.0 and the date format I want is dd-mm-yyyy which is correct in the JavaScript datapicker, it just gets parsed thereafter as mm-dd-yyyy which is where the problem is arising.
Thanks for your ongoing patience...
I've done all the joins as required in my module, but how do I reference them in the xxxx/config/xxxx_fuel_modules.php file?
$config['modules']['xxxx'] = array(
'display_field' => 'joined_table_field_I_wa…
Thanks for getting back to me again oh guru of all things Fuel.
The field I want to use it joined to the model table, how would I reference that in the display field?
Fabulous, I'm managed to implement what I required.
One final query relating to this, how do I similarly update the selected name in the breadcrumbs trail at the top of the page:
Model name > Record being edited
...it currently it defaults to …
Hi Mr Admin,
Thanks for getting back to me so promptly, really appreciated!
I'm referring to the actual default 'Select another' option that appears in the Fuel CMS admin interface in the same row as the 'Save', 'Unpublish' etc, etc buttons...
Hmmm, after a bit of fiddling about I would assume that this is related to the display_field parameter of module configuration, but how would I change this to refer to a joined table?