Hi. I have a weird issue with tags. I have tags enabled and some tags added (without category). I have an advanced module with a has_many relationship in place. Still tags are not showing in the tags dialog on the edit page. The
element that contains the tags contains one empty - . I have a second server with the same setup. Here tags are working fine, with the same module in place. Anything that could me point me in the right direction?
1. What does your has_many property look like? In particular, is there a "where" condition in the has_many property?
2. Do you see any relationships in the fuel_relationships table for the tags and your model?
3. The fact that it works on one server and not the other is strange. Is there a difference in the PHP versions or are there ay other differences that you can think of between the servers/FUEL setup?
2. Tables look fine. There's no problem with tag management as well. They just don't show up in the model.
3. I checked the specs of the servers. The server where tags DO work runs PHP 5.4.19, the server where tags DON'T work runs PHP 5.4.34. It's the only difference I can find.
public $has_many = array('tags' => array(FUEL_FOLDER => 'fuel_tags_model'));