Advanced module: routing, structure: How?

edited December 2014 in Modules
I started to buld website using Fuel CMS.
I am create advanced module named Charters and want create admin backend for this module and user front-end.
I was generated advanced module using Fuel CMS generaton. Generator created module structure, and I want to extend it.

My config:
$config['nav']['charters'] = array(
'charters/' => 'Charters',
'charters/airports' => 'Airports',
'charters/aircrafts' => 'Aircrafts',

$route[FUEL_ROUTE.'charters'] = 'charters';
refers to a controller charters_module.php - in nav 'charters/' => 'Charters'
I need create submodules for 'charters/airports' => 'Airports', etc. Does any my modules must ends with _module.php ?
How to define routing for another controller using nav structure? 'charters/airports' => 'Airports' works just if I have airports() method in charters controller, but I want airports standalone controller for add, edit, delete airports.

And for backend I need to use Fuel_base_controller for controllers, but I can use CI_Controller for front-end?


  • edited 3:36AM
    It sounds like you want a similar structure as Blog Module:

    Note that there is a config/blog_routes.php file which creates the routes for the Posts, Comments, etc simple modules. In addition, there is a config/blog_fuel_modules.php file used to setup the module.

    And yes, Fuel_base_controller or a controller extending that, should be used for backend controllers because it has authentication and rendering methods using the Fuel_admin class.
  • edited 3:36AM
    Thank U!
    Blog module is very useful. I study the advanced modules using this module.
    I just had a little hitch with routing.
    And now all works fine.
    //for backend Fuel_base_controller $route[FUEL_ROUTE.'charters/aircrafts'] = CHARTERS_FOLDER.'/charters_aircrafts'; $route[FUEL_ROUTE.'charters/aircrafts/(.*)'] = CHARTERS_FOLDER.'/charters_aircrafts/$1 .... // Front-end public controller CI_Controller $route['service'] = CHARTERS_FOLDER.'/charters_service'; $route['service/(.*)'] = CHARTERS_FOLDER.'/charters_service/$1'; ....

    The other thing I'm want to CRUD with buttons bar on top and search, reset, limit form like on blog or pages module.
    As I understand I can use for this purposes blocks from fuel/view/_blocks: module_list_table.php, module_create_edit_actions.php and module_list_actions.php - this blocks will works only if in my controllers exists methond like 'save', etc. I found check for module action in $this->fuel->auth->module_has_action('save') if my controller have method 'save', save button will be visible?
    Or better create own new blocks with buttons bar, table for CRUD?
  • edited 3:36AM
    The fuel/modules/fuel/controllers/module.php controller handles the rendering of those pages, coupled the Fuel_admin class:

    To have the save button appear, you'll need to have an item_actions parameter specified on your simple module that includes "save" which they all do by default unless overwritten:

    The module parameters get transferred as properties of the $CI object which is the module controller so it can be access in the Fuel_auth::module_has_action method as $this->CI->item_actions.
  • edited December 2014
    Hi! Thanks for reply!
    This trick just for simple modules or I can use it with advanced modules?
    My admin module controllers extends Fuel_base_controller and Fuel_base_controller extendsF uel_admin, so this trick must work?
  • edited 3:36AM
    Fuel_base_controller doesn't extend Fuel_admin, it just uses it in the constructor. If you want to see what it does, it is located at fuel/modules/fuel/libraries/Fuel_base_controller.php
  • edited 3:36AM

    I understand!
    This admin CRUD is created automatically from my model (extends Base_module_model)! I don't need use controllers to create admin CRUD. It's cool!
  • edited 3:36AM
    And I have a question again :)

    My table have several foreign keys. Problem is I need use join to one table twice.

    I use list_items method in my model

    Two fields: departure and destination is foreign keys to airports table.
    I use:
    $this->db->join('airports', ' = routes.departure_airport', 'left'); // for departure

    But I need the same for destination point. If I use the same code - gets Database Error.
  • edited 3:36AM
    I got it.
    Needs to add an alias for join
    $this->db->join('airports dep', ' = routes.departure_airport', 'left');

    and use inthread of
  • edited 3:36AM
    I noticed that for INT field created input type="number" max="10" for any integer length.
    Is it bug or I need redefine this default value?
  • edited 3:36AM
    You can redefine the value by passing 'max' => {yourvalue} in your form_fields model method:
    function form_fields($values = array(), $related_values = array()) { $fields = parent::form_fields($values, $related_values); $fields['my_field_name']['max'] = {yourvalue}; .... return $fields; }
  • edited 3:36AM
    Uh, I just noticed that I didn't respond to your last message!

    Thanks, It works for me.
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