Advanced module: routing, structure: How?
I started to buld website using Fuel CMS.
I am create advanced module named Charters and want create admin backend for this module and user front-end.
I was generated advanced module using Fuel CMS generaton. Generator created module structure, and I want to extend it.
My config:
$config['nav']['charters'] = array(
'charters/' => 'Charters',
'charters/airports' => 'Airports',
'charters/aircrafts' => 'Aircrafts',
$route[FUEL_ROUTE.'charters'] = 'charters';
refers to a controller charters_module.php - in nav 'charters/' => 'Charters'
I need create submodules for 'charters/airports' => 'Airports', etc. Does any my modules must ends with _module.php ?
How to define routing for another controller using nav structure? 'charters/airports' => 'Airports' works just if I have airports() method in charters controller, but I want airports standalone controller for add, edit, delete airports.
And for backend I need to use Fuel_base_controller for controllers, but I can use CI_Controller for front-end?
Note that there is a config/blog_routes.php file which creates the routes for the Posts, Comments, etc simple modules. In addition, there is a config/blog_fuel_modules.php file used to setup the module.
And yes, Fuel_base_controller or a controller extending that, should be used for backend controllers because it has authentication and rendering methods using the Fuel_admin class.
Blog module is very useful. I study the advanced modules using this module.
I just had a little hitch with routing.
And now all works fine.
//for backend Fuel_base_controller $route[FUEL_ROUTE.'charters/aircrafts'] = CHARTERS_FOLDER.'/charters_aircrafts'; $route[FUEL_ROUTE.'charters/aircrafts/(.*)'] = CHARTERS_FOLDER.'/charters_aircrafts/$1 .... // Front-end public controller CI_Controller $route['service'] = CHARTERS_FOLDER.'/charters_service'; $route['service/(.*)'] = CHARTERS_FOLDER.'/charters_service/$1'; ....
The other thing I'm want to CRUD with buttons bar on top and search, reset, limit form like on blog or pages module.
As I understand I can use for this purposes blocks from fuel/view/_blocks: module_list_table.php, module_create_edit_actions.php and module_list_actions.php - this blocks will works only if in my controllers exists methond like 'save', etc. I found check for module action in $this->fuel->auth->module_has_action('save') if my controller have method 'save', save button will be visible?
Or better create own new blocks with buttons bar, table for CRUD?
To have the save button appear, you'll need to have an item_actions parameter specified on your simple module that includes "save" which they all do by default unless overwritten:
The module parameters get transferred as properties of the $CI object which is the module controller so it can be access in the Fuel_auth::module_has_action method as $this->CI->item_actions.
This trick just for simple modules or I can use it with advanced modules?
My admin module controllers extends Fuel_base_controller and Fuel_base_controller extendsF uel_admin, so this trick must work?
I understand!
This admin CRUD is created automatically from my model (extends Base_module_model)! I don't need use controllers to create admin CRUD. It's cool!
My table have several foreign keys. Problem is I need use join to one table twice.
I use list_items method in my model
Two fields: departure and destination is foreign keys to airports table.
I use:
$this->db->join('airports', ' = routes.departure_airport', 'left'); // for departure
But I need the same for destination point. If I use the same code - gets Database Error.
Needs to add an alias for join
$this->db->join('airports dep', ' = routes.departure_airport', 'left');
and use inthread of
I noticed that for INT field created input type="number" max="10" for any integer length.
Is it bug or I need redefine this default value?
function form_fields($values = array(), $related_values = array()) { $fields = parent::form_fields($values, $related_values); $fields['my_field_name']['max'] = {yourvalue}; .... return $fields; }
Thanks, It works for me.