The "head" section is empty on some admin pages
I lose all of the stuff on some admin pages like /fuel/pages so all of the CSS is gone. Any idea why this might be happening? Clearing the caches in Fuel and in Chrome doesn't seem to help.
Looking at the "network" tab in the Chrome developer tools it looks like the server is only returning a chunk of the page like the blocks table, not all of the HTML, almost like its it's making an ajax call
1. Do you have errors turned on in the index.php bootstrap file (should be automatically if you are using the development environment)?
2. Is this on your local environment and if so, what's the setup?
3. Also, which pages is the error happening?
I'd first start looking at any configuration settings you may have setup for your modules and perhaps try commenting them out to see if the problem goes away.
2. Live environment
3. /fuel/pages and /fuel/blocks, seems like its listing pages, not details
You gave me some code to add the URL of the 404. Just going to throw that in now to get more info.
This is the start of the response I get from the server:
On a good response it looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
Any chance it's something on the server?
Also, I'd start looking at the fuel/modules/fuel/controllers/module.php controller to debug where it seems to be getting hung up. In particular the "items" method.