CSS Frameworks in Modules

edited March 2014 in Modules
Any suggestions on using CSS Frameworks in Modules? Or not using them?

For design work, I normally lean on something like Foundation, Bootstrap, or Pure.

Is it considered 'okay' to use these in advanced modules with Front End pages?
I see the problem of it conflicting with the websites Front End, Framework or custom CSS.

Alternatively, should I create un-styled basic pages as a default "theme"?


  • edited 2:19PM
    This would depend on how the front-end pages are being rendered and if they rely on the main template's CSS or not. Or are you referring to using a CSS framework for the backend?
  • edited 2:19PM
    I'm developing a contact module, which includes a front-page.

    I started building the front page block using the Foundation CSS framework, but I then realized that while I currently have foundation loaded, other projects may be built using something else.

    I currently have foundation provided in the assets folder, to support the block, but loading that could interfere with the main project's library.
  • edited 2:19PM
    It sounds like you are wanting to conditionally load in the CSS correct? If so, how and where is the CSS currently being called?
  • edited 2:19PM
    Currently, the base controller _render() function checks the config file for a theme setting and loads any specified css files.

    So it is conditional, based on settings. (trying to emulate the blog module)

    Is this an ok approach for a re-usable module? My concerns are with modularity and conflicts with the host site.
  • edited 2:19PM
    That sounds OK to me. The theme could be changed to include additional CSS files it sounds like.
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