Getting "Error occured." when opening

edited January 2014 in Installation
I just did a new install of Fuel and I'm getting "Error occured." when trying to access the /fuel directory. There's nothing in the error log. Is there a way to get a more descriptive error message or more detail on what could be causing the problem?

The account that I'm testing with is NOT set up with a domain name. I'm using Plesk and trying to open the page using the sitepreview link ( Could this be the cause of the problem?


  • edited 11:17AM
    Does /fuel/login display?

    If so, there a bug that's been fixed in the develop branch that happens in some setups which has to do with the fuel/index.php header redirect pointing to a page called index. Try changing that to 'dashboard'
  • edited 11:17AM
    Thanks man, you saved my life!
  • edited 11:17AM
    Thanks for the suggestion... I did change header redirect to "dashboard" but I'm still seeing "error ocurred" and nothing else. Do you have any other thoughts?

    I did notice in another site that the links on the page return a 404 when clicked upon if I open the site in site preview such as (

    In other words... When I'm at the index or home page of the site at, when I click on a link to "/anotherpage.htm" I get a 404 and the URL is pointing to "". When I change the URL to "", the page works.

    I have $config['base_url'] = ""; in the config.php file.

    Could this be a problem with the htaccess file? My RewriteBase is currently defined as "/".
  • edited 11:17AM
    Can you access it using the index.php in the URL like so:

    If so, that usually means its a .htaccess issue.
  • edited 11:17AM
    I can on that particular site because I have the DNS setup for that domain name. But on the hosting account that I'm currently testing with, I can only access it via the sitepreview link because the domain name is pointing to another hosting account.
  • edited 11:17AM
    And this happens after clearing your page cache in the CMS?
  • edited 11:17AM
    I got a little further with the installation... I gave up on the hosting account without the domain name and installed fuel in another hosting account that has a domain name associated with it and was able to get to the admin login panel.

    I logged in, changed my admin user name and password, then created a test page.

    However, I am now getting a 404 not found when attempting to view the test page and now I cannot log back into the admin panel using the user name and password that I created.

    Additionally, when I click on forgot password from the admin panel, I receive the email to reset the password for the admin account, but the link does not appear to work. I am getting the admin login panel with a message saying, "There was an error in resetting your password."

    I installed Fuel in a directory off of the web root at "FUEL-CMS-master". RewriteBase has been set to "/FUEL-CMS-master/" in the htaccess file. Am I missing further configuration with running Fuel in a sub directory.
  • edited 11:17AM
    Update... It appears as though the password reset did work as I received an email with the new admin pw. I can now login to the admin panel again but still cannot see the test page.
  • edited 11:17AM
    Update... Got it! I found that setting the following solved the problem - $config['fuel_mode'] = 'auto';
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