User Authenticated with no permissions shows login button still

edited August 2013 in Bug Reports
Working with the 1.0 Branch of Fuel CMS, when I add a user with no permissions, after login (authentication), the fuel menu displays at top, but with the login link instead of logout link. In checking code, in the /fuel/modules/fuel/views/_blocks/inline_edit.php file, line 77-82, it appears that only users that can edit ($is_fuelified) have the logout link. Shouldn't all authenticated (logged in) users have the logout link?

If not, then why even show the inline edit (fuel) menu? I am not understanding.

I am looking for a way to handle authenticated users that don't have permissions to back-end (view only users -- may down the road tie to other personalization features, such as orders) , but do need to login and logout.


  • edited 8:50PM
    That appears to be a bug. I've just pushed an update to fix that.
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