more tutorials

edited December 2010 in News & Announcements
Hi! I installed fuel yesterday without any major issues and it looks like it has a ton of potential to do exactly what I want to make it do. It seems like fuel is there to help and not to hinder.

However, I am new to Code Igniter (which probably doesn't help) although I'm experienced in PHP & CSS.

I'm really having trouble understanding the documentation. This is probably due to my lack of a deep understanding of the MVC & Code Igniter system.

I am simply trying to rebuild an site with some static pages, but its not as easy as I hoped. I have read through the documentation over and over again but I still don't get it. Some questions...

When I create a new page, and then try to visit it, I get a 404 error. Hua?

Is there a way that I can use Fuel's Asset control panel to edit CSS in the browser without having to FTP?

When I replaced the main.css file, I blew out the admin controls and some other inline editing features.

What is the protocol for building a new site; a video tutorial to eliminate the (beautiful) Fuel Splash pages & Example pages and replace with a simple white background site (while maintaining the inline editing CSS) would be ***awesome***.

I like how pages get added to navigation automatically and I'm excited to quickly rebuild my site (that has approx 150 static pages... and some dynamic ones, but I'll get to those, later.) -- Is it possible to do most of the work within the web browser or do I need to be editing MVC files to turn the menu on (it seems there is no main navigation on the fuel example pages).

Anyways, that's a lot of questions, but you get an idea of where I'm at with this. On its face this project looks much more promising than the PyroCMS system... looking forward to getting some answers.

PS I hope you guys are all over this forum thing, your product is too new to get information from google searches, unfortunately.


  • pscpsc
    edited 12:30AM
    I solved the 404 error by resetting MY_fuel setting:

    $config['fuel_mode'] = 'auto';
  • edited 12:30AM
    FUEL is really targeted towards folks using CodeIgniter and wanting CMS capability so having a good understanding of CI definitely helps. Luckily, they have some of the best documentation and community out there which is one of the main reasons we chose CI as the MVC framework to build FUEL on.

    With regards to being able to upload changes to the CSS, there currently is no CSS editor but you should be able to upload a new one if you make a couple changes in your fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php settings:

    1. Copy over $config['assets_excluded_dirs'] from the fuel/modules/fuel/config/fuel.php file and add it to your MY_fuel.php page. Then in that setting remove "css" from the array
    2. Do the same thing for $config['editable_asset_filetypes'] but in this case add 'css' => 'css' to the setting

    NOTE: MY_fuel.php gets included in the fuel/modules/fuel/config/fuel.php page and overwrites those default settings.

    With regards to messing up the inline editing controls, it is possible that you may have rues in your main.css file that interfere with the inline editing css rules (FireBug is a good tool to use to check that). The inline editing relies on the fuel/modules/fuel/assets/css/fuel_inline.css file and if you look at that you'll see that we tried to target the selectors and use !important to prevent that from happening but it is possible that some CSS rules may cascade down into the fuel inline editing.

    With regards to the protocol for creating a new site, you should be able to start creating view files and replacing what we have for the demo with your own code. The inline editing css get's included whenever you are logged in and are viewing a page.

    With regards to tutorials, we will be making our first post in a blog series about creating pages, layouts and blocks in the next few days. However, the post does need you to have a decent understanding of CodeIgniter.

    Hope this helps, but let us know if you have other questions.
  • edited 12:30AM
    Also, I neglected to point out that there is a 0.91 branch that has a working demo and code examples if you didn't know that already (could quite tell if you were using that branch or not). It uses CI 2.0 instead of CI 1.72 as well:
  • pscpsc
    edited 12:30AM
    Thank you so much!

    I'll look into making the css files editable. Thanks for the info.

    As far as the inline editing controls, I figured out what the deal was --

    On your stock install, there is no coded line in the header file that loads the inline editing CSS file. It is magically showing up ? ? ?

    When I changed the stock header.php to my own, (using almost all of the exact same lines as your stock header file), the link tag for the inline edit css file didn't show up. I pasted it in manually in my header file... not sure what that's all about though.

    Thanks again!
  • edited 12:30AM
    FUEL injects the inline editing CSS upon rendering the page if you are logged in so you won't see it in the header block.
  • pscpsc
    edited 12:30AM
    Thanks for the tip on 0.91 I have 0.9... i thought I read that somewhere on your site.

    The reason I'm moving towards code igniter is because it does have great documentation (and I'm sure FUEL's will improve rapidly - but its format looks great (like CI)). I'm excited to get the static site up and running and then start rebuilding some aps on the site that are not MVC, what a nightmare! I'm loving how fuel has optional controllers and it seems that I will be able to build directly on CI when I need to and bypass FUEL, while still running all the great CMS stuff you have going on. Seems better, faster, easier than wordpress IMO (from a developer's standpoint)

    Any tips on upgrading from 0.90 to 0.91 ? with the MVC format I should be able to maintain my /assets/, /fuel/config, and /views/ directory and change everything else with no issue? *shrug*
  • edited 12:30AM
    I think so. The 0.91 hasn't been vetted as much as the 0.90 branch obviously and I just recently fixed several bugs related to the upgrade to CI 2. However, that will be the future branch so be sure to send us any bug reports.
  • pscpsc
    edited 12:30AM

    FUEL injects the inline editing CSS upon rendering the page if you are logged in so you won't see it in the header block.

    Sure -- but it's not showing in the view source even though I'm logged in. I manully added it as a work around, but for some reason it's not autoloading when I use my own header.
  • edited 12:30AM
    On line 501 of the fuel/modules/fuel/libraries/Fuel_page.php you should see where it does a str_replace to inject that. Is it possible that your HTML is missing the ending head tag?
  • pscpsc
    edited 12:30AM
    I capitalized my HEAD tag! *fixed* throw in strtolower
  • edited 12:30AM
    Ah... ok... will put in a fix for that.
  • edited 12:30AM
    Just wanted to say, "Thanks!" Your comment fixed my problem.

    $config['fuel_mode'] = 'auto';
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