Super-simple image manager for CKEditor

edited May 2011 in Modules
Hi, for my current project I created simple image browser/uploader for ckeditor. It's a component, where you can choose from already uploaded images (or upload a new one in a place) when inserting image in the editor. Imagine much simpler CKFinder.

The code includes new methods for Assets controller in Fuel module, template and some CSS/JS files. You can pick an image, upload a new one and delete an existing image from the image browser. Its configuration includes only the folder name to be browsed at the moment (because I think this asset group should have separate folder, like "editor" or "text_images", so that it's not a mess, but that's optional).

Would anybody be interested in this? I can polish the code a bit or change it based on your demands. It's a useful feature that I'd like to contribute to FuelCMS, since CKfinder is commercial and ability to insert images comfortably can be important for you or your client. Also I'd appreciate help since I can't make it filter non-image files well.

It looks like this at the moment:


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