Front End(Client Login)

edited January 2011 in Feature Requests
Looking for some help on making a frontend login for fuel. Basically i want the user to have the ability to edit there site from the main part of the site.

They have to be logged into to use fuels system and it takes you to the backend /fuel part of the site. Im looking to have it so say they go to and then login and it redirects them to the frontend of the site not the /fuel part of the site.

Any help in the right direction will be helpful.



  • edited 6:32PM
    The fuel/modules/fuel/controllers/login.php file on line 96 is where the redirect to the admin dashboard is. You can change that to the page you want it redirect to. You could also try doing a 301 redirect in the .htaccess file.

    You could also try changing the fuel/index.php file to redirect to the home page instead of the dashboard page.
  • edited 6:32PM
  • edited 6:32PM
    Suggestion --

    Why not put in a configuration variable to indicate where login and logout should redirect to. Changing the redirects to optionally go to "home" or better yet, for login to go to go to the originating page would be a plus -- better to be in config than to change your code and then remember that we did it.

    I changed my site tonight for login and logout to go to "home" and will change them to go to the page from which they originated (best option), but I cringe that I am changing your code and that it will make future updates difficult.

  • edited 6:32PM
    Good idea and easy to implement. I'll look into adding that.
  • edited 6:32PM
    I am also looking for a FE Login for users. Do you habe any idea when you think you will have inclouded such a feature?

    Kind Regards.
  • edited 6:32PM
    Their was a feature just added to allow you to configure where your page redirects to after logging in and logging out:
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