FUELCMS vs. Pyrocms

edited July 2012 in Modules
What is the effort to convert fuelcms modules advanced to pyrocms ? any one tried it?

What is the effort needed to convert basic modules to pyrocms? I am happy with what fuel offers. but there seems to be too much buzz around pyrocms.



  • edited 2:15AM
    Disclaimer: I work for PyroCMS.

    I think it would be tough for anyone to answer this with a definite or accurate response, so I'm just going to say "probably fairly?".

    Seeing as both systems are CodeIgniter based they will use similar code. You will of course have FuelCMS specific code that will no longer be available, but you can either rewrite those sections of your modules to leverage the equivalent PyroCMS features or you could potentially bring some of the FuelCMS code over.

    I would recommend you give it a try and see what happens. It might make an interesting blog post if you can document the process.

    Either way, use whichever you feel works best for you. As long as you can make awesome websites and get paid then you're winning at web development.
  • edited July 2012
    One thing am impressed with pyrocms is its rock solid platform and the UI. The default template in pyrocms is just what i need.
    However having build the product on fuelcms since 8 months or so -- hard to just give up and start on pyrocms. I like the idea of bring of fuelcms to pyrocms. Is that possible?

    Thanks for advise - i would like to see the best path we take moving forward.
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