User Login Required to View Content, Let Google In
Moving along in my fuel development, it's going nicely.
I have user accounts that are separate from fuel cms.
What I want to do is make a series of fuel-managed pages available only for logged in users. I know how to use the user agent to allow google and other search engines in. I can use the session information from the log in session to determine whether or not a user is logged in with their account.
My question is, what is the most efficient way to implement this? I'd like to create a function to determine whether or not I have a logged in user or if the user agent is a search engine, and then either display the page as it is saved in the fuel CMS, or display a message that they need to register / log in to see the content.
This should be easy enough, but I don't want to repeat the code on every page that is for users-only. I haven't used the opt-in controllers yet but perhaps that would help?
Thanks for your assistance.