Sorry not sure which category to put this into. I have been working with the system for a few weeks now and have a couple of questions I can't seem to nail down.
1. Preview doesn't seem to be working I just have a blank white area. Is there documentation on how to set this up or something special I need to make it work?
2. On the Blog the page title seems strange and I am wondering if I have it setup correctly. I am using the fuel_var('page_title') for the title is that correct? When I go to an archive page, say for this month, I just get span tags between the title tags. The category page seems to use the uri as the title and not the category name. Hopefully those examples will help. If I come across others I will make sure to post them. Did I set this up correctly?
Any help would be much appreciated.
1. Which GitHub branch are you using? master or 0.91?
2. For the preview, are you referring to the MarkItUp preview (checkbox icon)
3. Blog page titles can be automatically generated using the page_title method on the fuel_blog object. To do that you can use something like below. Are you using something like this for inserting blog page title?
<?php if (!empty($is_blog)) : ?> <title><?php echo $CI->fuel_blog->page_title($page_title, ' : ', 'right')?></title> <?php else : ?> <title><?php echo fuel_var('page_title', '')?></title> <?php endif ?>
1. I am using the master.
2. The preview I was referring to was the MarkItUp checkbox icon preview ... is there a different preview? Or is that the one I should be using?
3. Thank you on the blog title that makes sense I will try it out.
As and FYI, the application/views/_fuel_preview.php is what is used to create your preview. The variable 'body' is what get's passed to the _fuel_preview.php view file from MarkItUp. By default, FUEL just uses the main layout file for previewing (which has the 'body' variable in it to merge in).
So if you are having problems with preview, it may be that there is something in your layout file that is causing it n FireFox and if so, just edit the _fuel_preview.php file to suite your needs. Hope that helps.
<iframe class="markItUpPreviewFrame"><html><head><title></title></head><body></body></html></iframe>
RewriteRule .* index.php/$0 [L]
RewriteRule .* index.php?/$0 [L]
Seemed to fix the problem.