Another question about the simple model tutorial

edited May 2012 in Modules
I have created the authors model and went to fuel.

I see the module under the modules but when I click on it, all I see is a screen with a create button and no data to display.

In the tutorial there is a form that says: "Here you can manage the authors for your site." and under it some form fields.

Why don't I get the same result?

I also see that all the tables are MyISAM can we not use InnoDB?


  • edited 6:52PM
    You can use InnoDB. The form fields are displayed upon creation and editing of records. Click on the create button and you should see the fields for that module. Those fields are specified in the author_models::form_fields method using the Form_builder array syntax.
  • edited 6:52PM
    Thank you :)
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